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  • Writer's pictureJustin Silverman

Everything You Need to Know About Google Local Justifications

Local SEO Tips 2024

Google Business Profile Optimization Tips

Everything You Need to Know About Google Local Justifications

This week, we're diving into a Google Business Profile feature that can give your business a massive rank boost: Google Local Justifications. If you're scratching your head wondering what the heck that is, don’t worry, we’ve got your back.

What Are Google Local Justifications?

Google Local Justifications are those handy snippets of information that appear under your business name in local search results that explain to the users why your business is showing up in the search results. They provide quick, relevant details about your business, helping potential customers make informed decisions at a glance.

Types of Justifications

There are several types of justifications Google might display, including:

  1. Review Justifications: These snippets pull quotes directly from your customer reviews and trigger your GBP to rank at the top when someone searches for a keyword used in the review. For example, if someone left you a review saying “This HVAC repair service did an awesome job!” when someone searches for “HVAC repair service” your business will be likely to show near the top, and it will show this review prominently on your business profile.

  2. Website Justifications: These are sourced from your website, highlighting relevant content like "24/7 customer support" or "free consultations."

  3. Post Justifications: Google can also pull from your Google Posts, showcasing recent updates or promotions.

  4. Services Justifications: These are pulled from the services you add to your Google Business Profile.

Why Should You Care?

Local justifications can significantly impact how many people see your Google Business Profile. They provide immediate, relevant information that can influence their decision to click on your GBP. In a world where attention spans are short, these little snippets can be the difference between a new customer and a missed opportunity.

How to Optimize for Justifications

  1. Encourage Detailed Reviews: Ask your customers to leave detailed reviews mentioning specific products, services, or features of your business. (Remember our “Suggested Reviews” feature in Paige from last week? Here’s a video reminder of it in action.

  2. Keep Your Website Updated: Ensure that your website is rich with relevant content that Google can pull from. Regularly update it with new information about your services & products.

  3. Use Google Posts: Regularly post updates, promotions, and news to your Google Business Profile. This keeps your profile fresh and provides Google with more content to use. Paige can automate this for you.

  4. Manage Services: Ensure you list every service you offer on your GBP, and write descriptions for each service. Paige can automatically do this for you in about 15 seconds. We recommend having at least 30 services on your profile.

Stay Ahead with Paige

Our fully automated Google Business Profile management platform, Paige, is here to help. Paige can keep your profile up-to-date, manage posts, and ensure that all relevant information is available for Google to use in justifications. Try Paige now and get a GBP tune-up for just $1!

Google Business Profile Software

ProfilePro tip of the week:

Publish a Google Business Post today. ProfilePro will automatically include important keywords in the post.


Free Google Maps Ranking Audit Tool

Wondering how well your Google Business Profile ranks on Google Maps for different keywords? We built a free local ranking audit tool you can use to quickly find out!


Google Business Profile optimization software
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Check out our guide on every possible ranking strategy for Google Business Profiles!

How To Rank First on Google Maps Guide

Google Updates You Should Know About

Google updates their algos regularly, and we check and then digest them for you. Here are the latest ones local marketers should know about:

You can find details on all algo updates here.

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